
U.G.クリシュナムルティの言葉(the urban guru cafe 79 NO ONE TALKING US)

the urban guru cafe 79 NO ONE TALKING US


I have nothing to say. And what I'm saying is not born out of my thinking.
Welcome to the urban guru cafe. What is consciousness. Who are you? And What are you doing here?

ようこそアーバングルカフェへ。意識とは何でしょうか? あなたは誰ですか?あなたはここで何をしているのですか?

To what nature has created the form of human species is something extra ordinary. It's unparalleled creation. And culture  is interested in fitting the actions of all human beings into your common mold and that because they are interested in maintaining what is called value system. That is where the real conflict is.


The thought in it's very nature can only create problems can not help us to solve the problems. We become one with it. We don't seem to realize that is the thought that is separating us form the totality of things. And the demand that this is the one that can help us to keep that totality always there is not going to succeed. So it has come up with the all kind of ingenuous if I may use that word, ideas of insight, intuition have come up with all and every kind of phrases to cover up the impossibility of trying to use those words to understand the reality of things. That is where the real problem is.


See nobody knows anything about life. We have only a conceptual ideas and mentation of life. And even scientists are trying to understand life it's origin. Come up with theory definitions of life, we really do not know anything about life. And all thought, all our thinking is dead. It is one of the dead ideas. So the thought or the thinking mechanism trying to touch life, experience life, and capture that life and give expression to that life is an impossible task. So what we are concerned about is living.


And we assume that there is such a thing as a soul, that there is such a thing as a spirit , that there is such a thing as I. What I thought  all the time is that I haven't  formed anything like idea any center there any self there any soul there . This question hunted me all through my life. And suddenly it hit me that there is no self to realize. What a hell you have been doing all the time. That hit you like a seer lightening. You know. When once that hits you, the whole mechanism of the body that is controlled by this thought is shattered. And what is left with is the tremendous living organism with intelligence of it's own. And What you are left with is the pulse and beats of trauma of your life. That's all that is there.
