

 Sailor Bob - Nonduality Melbourne(7月17日より)

Here are some sentences copied from a couple of Kat's earlier transcriptions where Bob organically uses the word ‘realize’. I trust this will be refreshing reminder!
Bob: I came to realize I was being lived. I came to realize that my seeming journey was how it all panned out. The realization was that there is no centre, if I am that space-like awareness. I realized that there is no ‘me’, there is nothing there at all. I realized that everything I had believed in, I was not, and everything just dropped away.
Realize there is only now! You can realize just how much takes place without the use of the mind. Realize that the functioning is happening effortlessly, without any ‘me’ involved. Realize that before anything can be wrong, there has to be thought.
今この瞬間があるだけだということを理解しなさい! どれほど多くのことがマインドを使わずに起こっているかを理解することができるでしょう。どんな「私」の関与もなしで、機能は自然に起こっているということを理解してください。何かが悪くなる前には必ず思考があるということを理解してください。
There is no relationship between apparent seeking and realization of liberation. In the dawning of that, you realize that any direction you go in will always be in the mind. What ‘way out’ of the mind is there? Full Stop! Realize that all that is happening is conceptualization.
うわべ上の探究と解放の実現には何の関係もありません。それが明らかになると、どの方向へ行ってもマインドの中なのだということを、あなたは理解するでしょう。マインドの中にどんな「出口」があるでしょうか? フルストップ(全停止)! 起こっていることのすべては概念化だということを理解してください。

Realize that there is no personal doer of it. Realize there is no one to do it, and nothing to do, and it will settle down of its own accord. Realize that which is ceaselessly and spontaneously arising, prior to any thought. You are beyond the mind. Realize that. You must realize that you have been lived.

You may not realize that even when the thoughts are going on the silence is still there. You have realized that you don't have to get to the silence. There is more silence in this room than there is sound.
You realize there is not a thing you can say about it. But you can’t deny the fact that it still is as it is. Realize you can’t negate your being, you can’t say, ‘I am not’. Realize that prior to the mind there is always that pure intelligence or knowingness. Just come back to the sense of presence that you are, and realize that that is birth-less, deathless, timeless, spaceless, bodiless and mindless.

思考が続いている時でさえ、そこには静寂があるということを、あなたは気づかないかもしれません。あなたは、静寂を手に入れる必要はないということを理解しました。この部屋の中には、音よりも多くの静寂があります。 そのことについては何も言えないということをあなたは理解しました。あなたは、それがありのままの事実だということを否定することはできません。あなたは自らの存在を否定すること、「私はいない」ということはできないということを理解してください。 マインドよりも以前に純粋な知性、すなわち、知る働きがあるということを理解してください。 自身が存在しているという感覚に戻り、それは生まれることも死ぬこともなく、時間もない、空間でも体でもマインドでもないということ理解してください。
We are not realizing that we were whole from the start, that we never have been separate. When you realize that you never find an answer to it in the mind, what happens? But realize that thought has come up spontaneously, effortlessly and intuitively on that what you are.

私たちは、自分が最初から完全だったこと、決して分離していなかったことを理解していません。マインドの中には答えを見つけられないと理解すると、何が起きるでしょうか? それでも、思考は自然に努力なく、直観的にあなたというものに起こってきます。
You realize also that you can’t cut space; you can’t grasp space; you can’t stir it up; you can’t do anything with it. The same applies to this awareness. See that and realize that you are the emptiness itself, the no-thing-ness.

But realize that you were seeing before the thought ‘I see’ came up. Look again without labelling and realize that you are seeing as well as hearing at the same time. Realize that, before words and images came up, there was a registering of things. They are only being translated into words and images.

Don’t you realize that there is never a time when it is not there?
Realize that there is not a past unless you think about it. And what future is there unless you think about it? From that, you see that mind itself is time.

そうでない時などなかったということが理解できませんか? あなたがそのことについて考えさえしなければ、過去などないということを理解してください。もしあなたがそのことについて考えなかったら、どんな未来があるというのですか? このことから、マインドそのものが時間であるとわかるはずです。
When the mind realizes that it has no power of itself, just like the piece of iron in the fire, then it aligns itself with that intelligence.


Realizing that that intelligence is functioning, that's the ‘razor's edge’. All you need is to recognize that it is already so.



