
U.G.クリシュナムルティ(The Mystique of Enlightenmentより抜粋)④

The Mystique of Enlightenment p,56より抜粋

What makes one person come into his natural state, and not another person, I don't know. Perhaps it's written in the cells. It is acausal. It is not an act of volition on your part; you can't bring it about. There is absolutely nothing you can do. You can distrust any man who tells you how he got into this state. One thing you can be sure of is that he cannot possibly know himself, and cannot possibly communicate it to you. There is a built-in triggering mechanism in the body. If the experiencing structure of thought happens to let go, the other thing will take over in its own way. The functioning of the body will be a totally different functioning, without the interference of thought except when it is necessary to communicate with somebody. To put it in the boxing-ring phrase, you have to "throw in the towel," be totally helpless. No one can help you, and you cannot help yourself.

This state is not in your interest. You are only interested in continuity. You want to continue, probably on a different level, and to function in a different dimension, but you want to continue somehow. You wouldn't touch this with a barge pole. This is going to liquidate what you call "you," all of you — higher self, lower self, soul, Atman, conscious, subconscious — all of that. You come to a point, and then you say "I need time." So sadhana (inquiry and religious endeavor) comes into the picture, and you say to yourself "Tomorrow I will understand." This structure is born of time and functions in time, but does not come to an end through time. If you don't understand now, you are not going to understand tomorrow. What is there to understand? Why do you want to understand what I am saying? You can't understand what I am saying. It is an exercise in futility on your part to try to relate the description of how I am functioning to the way you are functioning. This is a thing which I cannot communicate. Nor is any communication necessary. No dialogue is possible. When the 'you' is not there, when the question is not there, what is is understanding. You are finished. You'll walk out. You will never listen to anybody describing his state or ask any questions about understanding at all.

この状態はあなたのためになるような状態ではない。あなたが興味あるのは継続性だけだ。あなたは継続性が欲しい。たぶん違ったレベルで、違った次元で機能して欲しいと思っているが、いずれにしても、継続して欲しい。あなたはこれを全く受け入れられないだろう。これは、いわゆる「あなた」を一掃してしまう。ハイヤーセルフ、ロウアーセルフ、ソウル、アートマン、意識、無意識、それらすべてを一掃する。あなたは立ち止まって「時間が必要だ」と言う。サダナ(探求と宗教的修行)を思い浮かべ、「明日は理解できるだろう」と言う。その構造は時間の中で生まれ、時間の中では機能するが、終わりがない。もしあなたが今理解できなければ、明日理解することはできない。何を理解する? なぜ私の言うことを理解したい? あなたには私の言うことは理解できない。私が機能するやり方の説明をあなたが機能するやり方と関連付けようとしても無駄だ。これは会話によって伝えることはできないものだ。どんな会話も不要だ。伝達は不可能だ。そこに「あなた」がいない時、そこに質問が無い時、そこにあるのは理解だ。あなたは終わる。あなたは立ち去るだろう。あなたは誰かが描写するその状態に耳を傾けることもないし、それを理解するために質問することもない。
What you are looking for does not exist. You would rather tread an enchanted ground with beatific visions of a radical transformation of that non-existent self of yours into a state of being which is conjured up by some bewitching phrases. That takes you away from your natural state — it is a movement away from yourself. To be yourself requires extraordinary intelligence. You are 'blessed' with that intelligence; nobody need give it to you, nobody can take it away from you. He who lets that express itself in its own way is a natural man.

あなたが探しているものは存在しない。あなたは、ありもしない自己が、うっとりするような言葉で描き出された存在へと劇的に変容するという至福に満ちたヴィジョンを抱いてもっと魅力的な場所を歩みたい。でもそれはあなたを、あなたの自然な状態から遠ざける。それは自分自身から遠ざける。自分自身でいるということは、途方もない知性を必要とする。あなたはその知性に "恵まれて" いる。誰もあなたにそれを与える必要はない。誰もあなたからそれを奪うことはできない。それをその人のやり方で自然に起きるに任せるのが自然な人間である。


declutched state(クラッチを切った状態)をどう思うか、


It is all concepts.
Who did the explosion happen to.
Recognition is sudden, instant dissolution of all attachments.
UG was radical.  The podcasts I published are the best of his expressions.  
The guru is only a sign post.













Self Aware
Self Illumination (English Edition)

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