

If someone comes to me and says, " I'm looking for the truth or reality ", I would say to him, " what you are looking for, you are already!". so it is absurd to keep looking. This research has started in the mind, it is the only place, it can't start anywhere else, and will not continue anywhere else than in the mind. When I realize or when they show me, that it doesn't make sense to keep looking in the mind, what happens?
If I say, " stop! Stop, the search is over " what are you doing? Wouldn't there be a break? And during this break wouldn't be the realization of the fact that " I didn't disappear ", " I didn't fall apart ", " I didn't break down ", " I'm still here, without Let the mind think "? there must then be a flash of understanding that everything we believe is based on the mind.
Seeing only that there is no answer in mind, you are free of it.

もし私が「ストップ、ストップ、探求終了」あなたは何をしているのですか?と言ったら。 そこには思考の中断があるのではないですか? その中断の間にも「私は消えてなくならない」「私は分離しない」「私は崩壊しない」「私はマインドで考えること無しに依然としてここにいる」という真実の理解が起きるのではありませんか? その時、私たちが信じていることすべてはマインドがもとになっているという稲妻のような理解が起きるにちがいありません。

Image may contain: 1 person, beard, selfie, closeup and indoor
Sailor Bob Adamson